Używamy plików cookie (w tym plików cookie stron trzecich) do zapamiętywania preferencji użytkownika, aby pomóc nam zrozumieć, w jaki sposób użytkownicy korzystają z naszych witryn oraz aby reklamy wyświetlane przez nas w witrynach stron trzecich były bardziej trafne. Więcej informacji na temat plików cookie znajdziesz w sekcji dotyczącej polityki prywatności oraz w regulaminie plików cookie.
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After you place an order BullionVault will display its status in the order panel. You can also select an order to view from the HISTORY > ORDERS screen.
Explanations for each order status are provided below.
Your order has been successfully placed but has yet to trade.
The order will remain open until either:
You will be able to see your market orders on the MARKET screens. Please note that if your order was to buy it will appear as a green 'Best Bid', and if your order was to sell it will appear as an orange 'Best Offer'.
An open order which has been placed into the market order board, and has already traded a portion against other users.
Over time the successfully traded part of the order may increase as other users' orders match against it.
Killing an open order releases the untraded portion of that order back to your available balance.
Your order has been processed.
When your market order has matched 100% of its weight against other orders on the BullionVault market, it will be 'fully matched' and no longer trade on the market.
Your market order may expire with only a part of its quantity successfully traded. An order expires when either its 'Good until date' is reached, or it is 'Execute immediate'.
Your market order may expire with no trade being matched. For example, if the order is a 'Good until cancelled' and the order price is significantly far away from the current gold price.
You have manually cancelled your order, releasing any untraded portion of that order back to your available balance.
Your 'Good until date' order has exceeded its specified duration.
You to have insufficient available cash to buy the bullion you requested.
It is possible you have enough funds to buy your bullion, but:
You do not to have enough bullion to sell for the order you have entered.
It is possible you do have enough gold, silver or platinum to sell, but:
You have placed a 'Fill or Kill' order. This only trades if the entire order can be met on the market order board at that time, otherwise it will be killed - and trade nothing.
You have placed an order which is more than 10% away from the current live market prices.
This is a feature of BullionVault to prevent accidental orders, and ensure that orders are made at fair market prices.
You cannot trade silver on this account. Certain accounts, like SIPP accounts, are prohibited from owning silver by law. If you want to trade silver, you should open a second, unrestricted account.
You cannot trade platinum on this account. Certain accounts, like SIPP accounts, are prohibited from owning platinum by law. If you want to trade platinum, you should open a second, unrestricted account.
Używamy plików cookie do zapamiętywania preferencji użytkownika, rejestrowania odsyłaczy, poprawiania wydajności naszej witryny i zwiększania trafności reklam wyświetlanych w witrynach stron trzecich.
Preferencje plików cookie możesz aktualizować, za pomocą odnośnika 'Pliki cookie', który znajduje się na samym dole - w stopce strony BullionVault.
Przez pewien czas nie wykonałeś żadnej czynności.
Dla Twojego własnego bezpieczeństwa za kilka minut zostaniesz wylogowany , jeżeli nie wykonasz żadnego ruchu.